I’m a Priest in the Church of England currently supporting local parishes between vicars. A kind of ecclesiastical Mary Poppins wafting in and out as needed. Before ‘Vicar’ing’ I worked in marketing and communications, as a freelance writer and a radio producer and presenter. Before that as a beautician; NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and Arts Administrator; oh and I sold Tupperware which gave me the confidence to walk into a room full of strangers. And yes, I have been around for a while…
When not working or writing, I’ll take the dog for a walk, snip and prune in the garden, shuffle reluctantly to the gym or fiddle with ‘crafty’ things and constantly tweak recipes to feed family and friends. I am a daughter, wife, mother, sister, Godmother, and friend, but above all of those, I’m a child of God.
I’m married to the best coffee maker and spider catcher in the universe who also happens to be my chief cheerleader, sounding board and best friend. We have four grown-up children (is there a better word for adult ‘children’?) five spectacularly wonderful grandchildren, and Hector the cutest Sproodle in the world.
So that’s me… Bryony – beloved by my Heavenly Father, although I didn’t always realise that. I’ve had significant detours and gathered a few bruises along the way; but, by gum, life is never, ever boring.