What is A ‘Sound of Musings Live!’ Like?

Once we have agreed on a date and discussed what will work best where you are, then you liaise with your church community to gather as many people as possible. Encourage your members to invite friends and neighbours too because this is primarily a missional event to support your local outreach. You will have access to all the necessary resources to publicise the event; including posters, free tickets, bookmarks, wording for newsletters and local media because it’s all available on my website to download and personalise for your church. It is designed to be easy to organise!

On the agreed day, I arrive in plenty of time with my ‘mission kit’, complete with life-sized postulant nun and some books of course. You will have gathered a refreshments team who have been buttering bread, spreading jam and heating up a frozen crisp apple strudel or two in a nearby oven and brewing/mashing the tea. Then when all is set and people are settled, we are ready to begin- but where shall I start, I always ask. Someone will suggest the beginning is quite a good place… perhaps!

Since the book was published in May I’ve done around ten events in a wide range of churches up and down the country; from a small rural church with just an organist and no technology to a huge space in a busy town center church complete with 15-foot screen projecting images, singalong choir, and enthusiastic Bishop too.

What has been humbling to witness is the way people engage with the retelling of a familiar story that offers a fresh way of looking at faith. Church members bring friends who are just wondering about faith – and they too are touched. Barriers come down- hearts are opened because it’s a safe space, an honest space to explore God’s love and our identity as His beloved Child. We laugh and share together and discover something very special about the wonder of God’s grace. Numbers attending will always vary – because each church is so different, yet those who come invariably go away singing and smiling because God has done what he’s good at through the Holy Spirit, using the power of story and music.

When I launched this, I made a false assumption that it might be mainly older women (my age I guess!) who would engage with the theme and book and that they would all be avid ‘von Trapp’ fans. Yet, while there are lots of women coming along and buying the book too; it really has been all ages who engage, and lots of men have come and joined in, and connected with it too. More than once someone has said that they had never watched the movie before, but now going home to watch it with added incentive and perspective.

But perhaps it might be better for you to read what Judith Mayho wrote after The Sound of Musings Live visited Tunbridge Wells Christian Fellowship.

“Bryony came to join us at Tunbridge Wells Christian Fellowship Church for our ‘Ladies Brunch’ where she shared her ‘Sound of Musings’. She unpacked the film’s scenes and songs from a beautiful and awe-inspiring spiritual perspective.  Bryony’s presentation was open and honest about some vulnerable and personal life events that connected with many of the ladies present, but they all pointed to God and how He can impact one’s life in the most incredible and life-changing ways.  

She evoked a roller coaster of emotions from fun and laughter to tears…..good tears, as every lady present was touched by the lovely way Bryony presented just a few excerpts from her book.

Some ladies had arrived at the brunch burdened by life struggles but left uplifted by the way we had shared such a great experience together, and the next morning in Church every lady who attended was still talking about how much they had enjoyed this wonderful event……..the effects were long-lasting in a very positive way. 

Thank you, Bryony for coming all the way ‘down south’ to share with us and for leaving us inspired to seek more after God and all He has for us.”

A rather spectacular Tunbridge Wells brunch, complete with tea, and jam and bread of course!

If your church would like to consider hosting ‘Sound of Musings Live!’ – then contact me by email via the ‘contact me’ link on my website. I’d be pleased to chat through the options and explore dates.

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