What a wonderful day on Saturday 20th May, when lots of people came from right across the country for The Sound of Musings Book Launch. Never having done this kind of thing before – it was a first for both the audience and the author!

There was cake of course – amazing themed cake and lots of edelweiss.
The afternoon was enriched by superb music with Revd Mark Cantril and his rich baritone vocals which filled the large church with the sounds of his music and our music.

The appreciative audience listened, laughed, clapped and sang along, it was truly an afternoon of joy. And then we drank tea and had lots of jam with bread and crisp apple strudel while also signing and selling books – many books…

And cap it all, one of my English Teachers came along too and didn’t give me any more homework! And now its out in the world- one little book that will hopefully bring smiles and hope to lots of different people.